VILDÁ. Photo by Joanna Suomalainen.
Yoiking and Grooving
Toronto, Ontario
Presented by
Harbourfront Centre
Music duo VILDÁ is an original blend of Indigenous Sámi yoiks, grooving rhythms and improvisation.
Finding inspiration in the Sámi people’s strong connection to nature, present-day pop and Finnish folk traditions result in a unique dialogue that takes the listener through a fascinating journey to the Sámi land and the vast landscapes under the arctic hills and frosty winds.
This concert will include a new work by VILDÁ, commissioned by Harbourfront Centre.
VILDÁ lea iežaslágan seaguhus sámi luđiin, gelddolaš ritmmain ja improvisašuvnnas. Inspirašuvnna gáldun leat váldojuvvon sámi álbmoga nana oktavuohta luondduin, dálá popmusihkka ja maiddái suoma álbmotmusihka árbevierut. Boađus lea áidnalunddot ságastallan mii doalvu guldaleaddji mielaidgeassi mátkái Sápmái – áidelas duovdagiidda árktalaš duoddariin ja buolašbiekkaid ovdii.
VILDÁ’s debut album Vildaluodda – Wildprint (2019, Bafe’s Factory) has garnered great reviews internationally and was singled out as one of the best albums of 2019 by Songlines Magazine. Since then, the band has toured in Scandinavia, Canada, Spain, the UK, France and Bulgaria.
Viivi Maria Saarenkylä is one of the most promising young Finnish accordionists. She has been awarded in many renowned competitions like Castelfidardo and Coupe Mondiale. Saarenkylä has performed internationally, and her many travels can be heard in the nuance of her music from different music cultures around the world.
Hildá Länsman was born in the small Sámi village of Ohcejohka in the northernmost municipality of Finland. Having grown up with reindeer husbandry, handicraft (duodji) and the joik (luohti) tradition, which spans several generations. Länsman connects her background with contemporary world music and academic studies.